EducationLandscape IndustryLandscaping

PlantSomethingBC initiative

By April 15, 2016 No Comments



The PlantSomethingBC initiative was launched at the recent BC Home and Garden Show. It is run by the BC Landscape and Nursery Association (BCLNA) and the BC Government’s Buy Local program. I’ve been buying plants from local nurseries for years so the idea is nothing new to me but it’s well worth plugging in this blog. Promoting the sale and use of BC grown plants helps everyone; it supports BCLNA members and non-members in the landscape industry from landscapers and growers to garden centers. Getting listed on the PlantSomethingBC website is free for BCLNA members. Non-members have to pay $150. You can also purchase your annual BCLNA membership. The fee is based on your company’s revenue. Check out the list of member benefits.


Key points from the PlantSomethingBC website:

  1. Live local, buy local:  People who live in BC have intimate knowledge of our local plants, how to grow them and take care of them, what diseases affect them
  2. Feel better: Green environments are great for people, they reduce stress, lower blood pressure and calm nerves. Gardening leads to healthy eating habits and active lifestyles. Not convinced? Read this: 518GHfv0+cL__SX329_BO1,204,203,200_
  3. Chill out: Planting trees on the south and west sides of your house can reduce your air-conditioning costs by up to 30%
  4. Air: Plants can clean your indoor air, trees produce oxygen-for free!-and add value to your property
  5. Money: A Properly landscaped yard may increase your home value by up to 20%. Hire Proper Landscaping for your strata complex; for residential work hire Landscape Industry Professionals

All of the recent projects I worked on involved locally sourced plants. Usually the nursery-landscaper relationships are deep, benefitting both parties.



Pieris japonica



Pinus mugo






Prunus lusitanica

I also had some fun on my patio, planting up pots with the kids with BC grown perennials.



Armiria maritima

Support your local growers, garden centers and landscape professionals by using locally-grown plants on your next project! It makes a lot of sense. You’ll be glad you did.


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