Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott is my hero. She is an associate professor and extension urban horticulturist at Washington State University.
Sustainable Landscape and Gardens is more of a technical manual which can be ordered directly from Linda. Her latest book How plants work is a fantastic book for gardeners everywhere and green professionals. I finished the book while travelling in Japan in late May and my review will appear in a future blog.
Linda also writes in popular magazines and has published extensively in scientific literature. We have already seen reference to her technical paper on mulches in an earlier blog.
So why a hero?
- She is a Ph.D. and gardener who uses sound science
- She translates hard science into understandable and thus usable information for all gardeners and green professionals, and, this is important
- She is “local”
If you are a gardener or green professional, you will love her work. If you read it and study it, it will make you a better professional or gardener. Google her today and thank me later. I hope to meet her at a future seminar…..