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October 2024

Satisfied Mrs. Brown!

By | landscape maintenance, Pruning | No Comments

Pruning flow

Fall is a great time to start cedar hedge pruning. I suspect you’ve seen Proper Landscaping crews out doing it. And two weeks ago I was getting into a great flow. My blades were sharp, my ladder was close by, it was sunny and there were plenty of targets. I was literally cruising until Mrs. Brown came out from unit 69, steamed about her hedge obscuring the patio hedge. She wanted the hedge shaved hard, even if it looked brown. It would grow back, allegedly. Uh-ha.

Now, to shave a cedar hedge hard you have to make several passes from bottom to the top; kind of like peeling layers off. You can’t rush this. But Mrs. Brown was in a rush, now wearing a jacket and straining to hear me over the small Stihl engine.

I tried to get her to go back inside because it wasn’t safe for her to be so close. She wouldn’t go. Instead I saw her fingers flying close to my blades as she bossed me around. I had to bite my lip.

Then, like sunshine emerging from dark clouds, she stopped me dead to tell me she was very happy with my work! Jesus. Seconds earlier I almost picked her up and carried her inside her unit. Now she stood there, wet from the rain and she was super happy.

Still no flow

Fifteen minutes later the old lady interrupted my flow again so she could hand me a thank you card. I told her she shouldn’t have but she said it was just a card. She couldn’t afford to tip me on fixed income, allegedly.

Superb job! Of course.

Deliver good service

It’s nice to feel appreciated at work but I had to really concentrate, listen and be patient. Hedging cedars are struggling in the Lower Mainland. It seems like every week someone is posting pictures of brown cedar hedges. It’s now recommended to switch to other species like yews (Taxus) which handle the summer heat better.

That’s why I wasn’t happy about Mrs. Brown asking me to go hard on her cedar hedge. I tend to do the opposite, go nice and easy on the sides; only the tops get shaved harder for a nice straight top.

Also note how homeowners carry their landscape PTSD with them. This was my first encounter with Mrs. Brown but I wasn’t the first landscaper she had met. People remember when they don’t get the service they want. Then they switch to companies like Proper Landscaping where their wishes are satisfied.